Want to know when vegan startups are raising money and you can invest a small amount?

"This site can help Vegan consumers invest in products and companies they love. It's conscious economy coming to life. I love it!"


– Esther Bertram, Founder of In Vegans We Trust

Watch this video below to learn exactly how the Club works

See who endorses our Crowdfunding Club

Seth Tibbott
Seth TibbottFounder
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"Businesses need startup money and that could be the hardest to get."
Miyoko Schinner
Miyoko SchinnerFounder
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“Equity Crowdfunding is so important because it is inclusive, letting anyone passionate about vegan startups and protecting innocent beings invest small amounts to change the world.”
Keegan Kuhn
Keegan KuhnDirector

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"I'm super excited about the Vegan Investing Club because I wanna support Vegan businesses and I want to see them thrive. To invest in a Vegan startup that has a mission of sustainability, health consciousness, or more compassionate living is where I want to put my money."
Colleen Holland
Colleen HollandPublisher & Co-founder
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"I love what you're doing, and with your expertise, drive, and passion ... VegNews wants nothing more than ... to help you get there."
Eric Brent
Eric BrentFounder
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“... This Club helps entrepreneurs raise money through Crowdfunding and connects vegan advocates with opportunities to invest in early-stage startups that are making a positive impact on the world. This is a win-win for everyone involved …”
Milo (Nathan) Runkle
Milo (Nathan) RunkleFounder

and Co-founder
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"I could see that gaining ... traction.”
Dr Michael Klaper
Dr Michael KlaperPresident
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"The Vegan Investment Club is a great way to support the vegan entrepreneurs who are among the brightest hopes for creating a sustainable, compassionate world. I wholeheartedly endorse the Club’s efforts and invite all like-minded members of the vegan community to become part of the Vegan Investment Club."
Dotsie Bausch
Dotsie BauschFounder

Olympic Athlete and
World Record Holder, plus activist founder:
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“How wonderful and empowering is it that a platform has been developed to allow even the smallest of investments into the world of vegan living. As we begin to guide our financial decisions with our souls, we become free and our truest authenticity rises above all else. This platform is a game changer.”
Tori Ross
Tori RossVegan Actress
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"What's so exciting about V.I.C. is that it provides this lower barrier to entry for so many more people to start investing, and investing in companies that they believe in and that align with their values."
Charlie Jabaley
Charlie JabaleyVegan Ironman and
Nike Athlete
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"Everybody knows veganism is the future like- everybody! A way for, you know, smaller companies to be able to access funding and investors to be able to ride the wave."
Kent Aberle
Kent AberleVegan Musician
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"Check out the Vegan investment channel(Club) whereas for as little as $100, you can not only support young upstart vegan companies, but you will actually become part of the vegan economy where we will change the world."
JR Ritcherson
JR RitchersonVegan Actor on
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"Hey guys I'm absolutely loving this new Vegan channel(Club). If you want to change the world to make a major impact, check it out for yourself."
Sam Marra
Sam MarraVegan Bodybuilder and
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"This is a great opportunity to support vegan companies. If you're vegan and looking to make an investment that actually matters, this is the way to do it."
Mark Perlmutter
Mark PerlmutterFounder

the Vegan Investing Club
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"These companies will have values that the investors and customers want, so it’ll be more aligned and, hopefully, end up with better products and services in the market."
Dawn Moncrief
Dawn MoncriefFounder & President
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"It's wonderful how they are able to empower small and medium-scale investors AND new vegan companies from the start. We need a strong vegan economy to create a compassionate vegan world. The Vegan Investing Club is accelerating both."
Alicia Robb
Alicia Robb Fund Manager
Vegan Investors
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“Crowdfunding lets anyone invest in startups they love and be part of the solution that we all wish to see.”
Ofek Ron
Ofek RonCEO

Oshi (formerly Plantish)
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“This Club enables the 95% to invest just NIS 350 in Israel’s amazing foodtech startups. Now anyone can be part of change, with a chance for a profit.”

Companies that members invested in after the club emailed a link

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Why do people love this Club?

Join the Club.
Vegan startups through crowdfunding

Discount Logo

Watch your inbox for emails announcing newly active equity Crowdfunding companies

Invest and become an Ambassador to spread the word to your friends and earn rewards

Gift logo

Cheer for your companies and watch them grow. Then, cash out any profits.

members joined to date

"Let food be thy medicine."

- Hippocrates

Who started the Club & why ?

Catalyze the vegan economy

Current animal-based production and market practices are wasteful and unsustainable. A pound of beef can take 1,800 to 4,000 gallons of water to produce. According to the Water Footprint Network, the average water footprint per gram of beef protein is six times larger than for legumes. The future is vegan. It’s time to invest in sustainable, humane food production.

Source: Forks Over Knives Film

Maximize your impact by joining the Vegan Investing Club.

Our Transformative Journey:
Accelerating the Vegan Economy


Phase 1

11,676 members joined the Club to receive announcements of the first vegan companies.

Late 2021-2022

Phase 2

Announced 10 companies in this phase and members invested. Membership grew past 20,000.
Late 2021-2022


Phase 3

Rapidly increase membership and help more companies. The founder’s vision is to create a global Club of a million vegan investors to help hundreds of sustainable startups.

We’re a group of vegan entrepreneurs and social impact advocates who believe that the world needs more plant-based companies to lead the charge in environmentally and ethically-responsible ways. Our vision is to unite like-minded people from around the world to accelerate a vegan economy through equity Crowdfunding campaigns, irrespective of the amount individuals are able to invest. There’s power in numbers and the most powerful way to make a big difference is through unified action.

The people behind the Club

Mark Perlmutter, Founder

Mark has been innovating to make the world better most of his career. He founded the Vegan Investing Club to accelerate the vegan economy by tapping the amazing potential of Crowdfunding.

He hosted and produced the Crowdfunding World Summit promoting this idea to 12,000 attendees through interviews with 75 speakers including Senators, regulators and international industry leaders. Later he lobbied the SEC on rules governing this new law.

Then he created a food company making vegan meals delicious enough so that even non vegans enjoy them. He has a plan to match meals to customer microbiome and DNA for maximum health benefits. He funded a film showing six diabetics reversing their disease in 30 days on a vegan diet: “Simply Raw”. Seen by millions this led him to make a dvd series: “Raw For Life” with 30 vegan celebrities teaching the vegan lifestyle.

In the early days of the internet, he created DirectIPO, one of the earliest sites for raising money online long before the Crowdfunding laws were passed.

As a college student, he produced a solar energy exposition at the University of Denver and this led him to become a green business advocate. This was also when he stopped eating animals.

After the Crowdfunding laws were passed, he spoke at the Silicon Valley Crowdfund Conference and the Global Crowdfunding Expo. He’s been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and Fortune. He had a long career as a licensed investment broker and before that as a real estate broker.

Mark splits his time between Maryland and Lima, Peru. He loves meeting people and any kind of physical fitness: bicycle riding, hiking, yoga, the gym, swimming. He’ll go anywhere for a meal with other vegans. He enjoys long form podcasts on biology, neurochemistry, and spirituality. He and his fiancé live together near the cliffs above the Pacific ocean. They enjoy preparing vegan meals for friends. For the first time he lives with cats – he’s sure he prefers dogs.

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Advisors & Supporters

Mentions, endorsements, & partners

The vegan economy is rising

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a free-to-join community where vegans come together to learn from each other about early-stage investing and aligning your money with your values. Club members get email announcements about opportunities to invest sometimes, starting at just $100 in exciting vegan companies. The goal is to accelerate the vegan economy and do well by doing good.

It was started by Mark Perlmutter, a vegan entrepreneur whose first career was in the investment industry. He then used his experience to start a vegan film company, a vegan convenience food company, and now the Vegan Investing Club. After consulting former Wall Street colleagues on the best way to fund his vegan food company and take it all the way to IPO, he found no clear path. Vegan companies rarely go the route of IPO or acquisition like many Silicon Valley tech startups, so if prospective investors don’t see an exit strategy it’s hard for the entrepreneur to raise early-stage money. So he designed a 5-year plan for his food company to scale and go public which would exit its early investors at a great profit. When he told his colleagues they remarked that so many vegan entrepreneurs also need a plan like this. And they asked could it be templated?

With feedback from eight vegan leaders and influencers a template including a way to raise early money was created. And poof ….. this Club was born. The Club was announced on July 15, 2020 by Happy Cow’s founder Eric Brent to members of his site and then ads were run to gather members.

It grew from the solution for one vegan entrepreneur, into a Club to support hundreds of vegan entrepreneurs over the coming decades. The goal is bringing together tens of thousands of vegan advocates to accelerate the vegan economy by each investing small amounts in promising startups.

Members share a mission: “to make the world more vegan by growing the vegan economy.” By applying best practices from the investment world we can succeed.

Join for free and start learning about vegan Crowdfunding opportunities. The Club has several social channels including a Facebook group. Members discuss how to align their savings with their values and expand the vegan economy. After you join you’ll hear from other members who have already invested in vegan Crowdfunded companies. As a Club member, you’ll receive email alerts of vegan startups doing Crowdfundings on regulated Portals. And if discounts or bonus shares are offered, you’ll know.

No. Investments are not made on this site. The Club simply notifies members as soon as a vegan company announces an offering that follows the Club template and if there are early-bird specials. The first notifications were in Phase 2 and those were successful. We’re now in Phase 3 and announcing more companies. So after joining you’ll begin getting announcements.

Once you get an announcement, you link to the regulated Crowdfund Portal to view details of the company. If you choose to invest, that is where you will make your investment.

All companies announced by the Club will be in the early-stage and raising money on a regulated Crowdfund Portal where it is legal for anyone & everyone to invest. As investors ourselves, we like to see companies with a defined exit strategy, a smart use of funds, some traction or a compelling idea, a reasonable valuation, bonus shares for early investors, and allowing investors to start with $100.

Previous to the Crowdfunding laws, early-stage opportunities were not available to 98% of the public. Through the Club, tens of thousands of vegan advocates and small investors will be notified when young vegan companies are available for them to invest in.

Inevitably, member discussions in the Club’s Facebook group and LinkedIn group include public vegan companies. But our Club’s purpose is to notify members about young startups raising early funds via Crowdfunding. And our educational efforts will address the how to’s of Crowdfunding.

Investing early before a company goes public can be lucrative. But it requires access to early-stage deals. The Crowdfunding laws allow every American to view opportunities previously reserved for about 2% of us.

Our Club is advised by vegan leaders with many years in the vegan movement. We will continue evolving to help advance the vegan economy and that may someday include announcements of public companies.

Member engagement is encouraged & necessary for best learning. Please share & participate! Everyone welcomes relevant questions and answers from other vegans. There are no wrong questions.

If you have a private question don’t hesitate to email us at Hello@VeganInvestingClub.org or use our contact form on our website.

No. We are neither. No transactions take place on our Club’s site.

We simply notify members of vegan Crowdfund offerings posted on Portals and suggest interested members link to view the offering. As such we are not licensed by the SEC.

As of February 2022 we are in Phase 3 and companies planning a Crowdfunding on a Portal can contact us. We can suggest a 5-year funding plan recommended by our Advisors. It’s suitable for scalable companies and culminates in an IPO or acquisition to let early investors and founders exit.

In the near future, we hope to have an array of helpful resources available for all kinds of vegan companies.

When a Crowdfund company gives free shares to investors as an incentive in the early-bird period, these are known as Bonus shares. This is one of things we like to see in a company.

The Club does not evaluate or do due diligence on companies. We do not have the expertise for that. Crowdfund Portals and broker dealers may do that. Rather, we simply notify members of vegan companies raising funds on a Crowdfund portal that we love their product or service, or believe their success would make the world better.

Once a member receives our email alert, the rest is up to them.
If they visit the Portal to view the company’s Crowdfund offering, and wish to invest they must do it on the Portal.

We do not charge members any fees.

Instead we collect a per member fee from companies for announcing their Crowdfunding to members.

We use these fees to accelerate the vegan economy, for ads to attract more members, website, writing time, email SaaS services, research, and other operating costs of the Club. Every announcement includes this disclosure.

We are gathering thousands of vegan advocates to act in unison for a more vegan world.

Yes, investing in young companies is risky. Conventional wisdom teaches that diversifying into ten or more startups each year can be wise. This may increase the chances of one big win to make up for others that don’t succeed. If one of your early-stage companies is a success, it may be enough to pay for the others that are not. When investing in young companies, taking advantage of early-bird discounts and Bonus shares can be important.


When Investing your funds are at risk. So read the full offering information on the Crowdfund Portal before making up your mind. The Club does not give advice. Our communications are just notifications of public information displayed on registered Portals. If you have any questions about our club, reach out to us.


Our Club has best practices in transparency with you, our members, as we pursue our mission of growing the vegan economy. We want you to know we receive fees from companies for announcing their Crowdfunds to members. We choose these companies because we believe they can help accelerate the vegan sustainable economy. You make your own decisions on each company you learn about from us. We do not receive commissions, we do not handle your funds, and we do not charge you fees. We use such funds to attract members, for email & hosting services, social media writers, and website. The amount we receive varies and is related to the number of members at the time of our agreement with the company. Once you receive this announcement you must link to the regulated Portal to see all the offering information. That’s where you can invest if you like. The Club does not receive a kickback if you invest. We are happy when vegan startups receive backing to expand. This furthers our goal to accelerate the vegan economy.

We want you to know that we love the products & services of the companies we announce. We do not choose companies just for the fee. We announce companies that we believe can make a difference. Our operating costs are low enough that we can be extremely selective and still be financially sustainable. The Club will tell you about companies whose products and services we respect. That being said, you must make your own decision about whether investing is appropriate. When investing, you assume all risk, and agree that the Club is not liable for, nor does it have the ability to determine the outcome of any company that it shares with you.

The Club follows best practices in accordance with regulations including 17(b). When we receive a fee to send an announcement, we disclose the amount with the announcement. Thank you. 10/14/23

Join Now

Join to get early notice of opportunities to invest as little as $100 in companies that boost the Vegan economy
Due to international laws, we are currently accepting members only from the United States. We apologize for any inconvenience caused